They said build your site on WordPress...

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"They said build your site on WordPress
It's the best known CMS
But just 'cause that's what you're used to
Doesn't mean you've got to live in such a mess"

These are lyrics from the first half of Verse 3 in the song, "WordPress Got Ran Over By My HubSpot", which addresses the fact that WordPress IS the most used CMS across the internet, but that in itself is not a good reason to use it.

Is WordPress Really The Most Popular?

Yes, as difficult as it is to admit, WordPress IS the most popular CMS... and has been for many years. The current stats would show that WordPress powers about 43% of all websites, which is a LOT. This does seem to be slowing down in the vast margin that WP has held for so long above other platforms, so I'm sure the day will come where the "most popular" label will be removed.

Now, while our inspiration song and I are certainly fans of HubSpot CMS, it must also be said that no one solution is the solution for everything. There will be scenarios, although few, where HubSpot very well may not be the best route. (You have no idea how hard it was to even type that last sentence). Currently, the one scenario where WordPress definitely has a leg up on a HubSpot CMS solution is if you need a full shopping cart experience. Generally, I would combine HubSpot for the website and then something like Shopify to handle the store. But, if you want everything all in one place, then you can roll with WordPress and WooCommerce, and you've got the whole thing packaged up together.

In years past, there were more scenarios where WordPress still could hold its own over HubSpot. At this point, in my opinion, the previous example is the only such remaining scenario.

If Your Friends Jumped Off A Cliff, Would You?

Many of us have heard this well-known argument from our parents after saying things like "Well, Jimmy is going there! Well, Jimmy has one! Well, Jimmy's parents let him do it!"

As kids, we certainly fight with that feeling of wanting to have and do everything that our friends have and get to do. Unfortunately, that slips into adulthood for some of us. Now, before we get into a counseling session, this "would you also jump off the cliff" question is brought up simply to make a point. And what is that point?

As the song reminds us all, just because it's the most popular... or what you're accustomed to... or what your previous company used... doesn't mean that you have to keep using it.

Just like everything else in life, change is difficult. However, we often find that something is better on the other side of the change and we then get to experience a better scenario than we ever would have if we had bypassed the change. In the midst of this valuable life lesson, let's stay focused on your website. You may have used WordPress for a long time. Or maybe you're just starting, and thought you'd use WordPress because it's the only CMS you were familiar with. Either way, you don't have to live there.

Rescue Units Are Standing By

You can be rescued! You can migrate your website from WordPress to HubSpot CMS and say goodbye to all of the mess that is referenced in this song and experienced daily by anyone running a WP website! Is there a simple one-click solution and your website magically moves to HubSpot? No. BUT, it's not as difficult as you might think.

HubSpot Template Marketplace

HubSpot Marketplace has a large and growing number of themes available that you can quickly get started with to build your site within HubSpot. Many of these themes are even free! We have 4 themes in the Marketplace ourselves, developed and supported by New Era Technology:

  • FreeHold - geared towards real estate
  • Apex - geared towards events
  • Fusion - geared towards technology and more design-focused
  • Fusion Pro - the Fusion theme with some upgrades in the form of additional modules and templates

Keep in mind that with any HubSpot theme, whatever the target or demo industry it comes with, you can use that theme for anything! I've seen our real estate theme used for a car dealership, and our Fusion theme used for a yarn shop! The initial target industry is essentially just an example usage of the theme.

Work With A Solution Partner

New Era Technology is one of many HubSpot Solution Partners. It is always recommended to connect with a partner that can help ensure that you have the appropriate HubSpot setup for your needs and can also assist with getting that existing website migrated!

We are very experienced with migrating sites to HubSpot and would love to chat with you about how we can help! I have personally migrated a great number of clients off of WordPress and onto HubSpot's CMS Hub... and the client is always thrilled with their decision! CLICK HERE to learn more about our capabilities and work with CMS Hub!

If you're running a website on WordPress, or some other platform, it's time to stop following the old trends and start moving your website to greener pastures! We'd love to help, but even if it's not us, please just get help. You, and anyone else managing your website, will be glad you did!

Meet the author

Nathan Gifford

Nathan Gifford is a Digital Solutions Director at New Era Technology and helps to steer the ship for anything connected to HubSpot CMS. He leads the development and support of New Era's HubSpot themes and modules, and serves as a technical architect on all HubSpot CMS projects.

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